Stories with Impact: How to Land Press Placements

This week, Cassie chats with Reporter Emmy Liederman of Adweek, one of our favorite publications to read to keep up with marketing and creative news. During their conversation, Emmy shares a peek inside her role and the stories she's able to write and encourage conversation around at Adweek, tips for PR professionals looking to land features for brands, insight into Twitter and LinkedIn, and strategies for improving your writing skills, including how to tell a story with impact.

Here's a peek at what we cover in this episode:

[00:06:22] - Emmy shares how she became involved with Adweek - from an internship where she felt autonomy and trust from the publication right away, to helping people through her writing beyond the marketing landscape and being an advocate for marginalized groups.

[00:12:39] - Emmy reveals her top tips for PR professionals looking to land features for brands, including how to build relationships with reporters and the news hooks and positive intentions she looks for when considering a brand for a placement.

[00:17:52] - Emmy gives us insight into interacting with reporters on Twitter and LinkedIn.

[00:20:52] - Emmy teaches us the elements to an excellent story (a time hook into a broader societal truth) and how to encourage conversation around important topics.

[00:24:56] - Emmy shares strategies for improving your writing skills and getting over writer's block.

Grab a drink and listen in to this week's Marketing Happy Hour conversation!


Other episodes you'll enjoy if you enjoyed Emmy's episode:

PR 101: Set Yourself Apart | Alice Hampton of ACP Management

Growing a Community on Social | Karissa Widder of Kindred


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