New to Marketing Happy Hour?

We've noticed quite a few new friends around here - welcome to Marketing Happy Hour! Grab a drink and join us as we walk through who we are, how we met and why we started this podcast; then listen in as our hosts Cassie and Erica provide evergreen career advice, PR tips, content strategy learnings, and more!

Not new? You'll still get value out of listening in - jump to 16:24 for our Q&A segment if you already know our story!

Leadership skills episode mentioned: Stepping Into Your Career with Confidence | Motivational Speaker Genesis Vaquero

Catch up on our Top 8 episodes:

⁠Leaning in to Your Brand's Community | Kennedy Crichlow + Mary Ralph Lawson Bradley of Daily Drills⁠

How to be a Confident Marketer in 2023 | Bari Rosenstein of Auntie Anne's and Jamba

⁠Brand Marketing + Positioning 101 | Deven Machette of Betty Buzz⁠

Top Social Media Tips by Platform | Bri Reynolds of Lyft

⁠Experiential / Event Marketing 101 (+ a Conversation on Thoughtful Leadership) | Amy Gaston (prev. Magnolia)⁠

Unique Growth Marketing Tips | Kelly McGlone of Avaline Wine

⁠Building an Engaging Brand on Social Media | Jack Appleby of Future Social⁠

Product Marketing 101: Your Go-To Market Toolkit | Jaylen Adams of Rare Beauty


Say hi! DM us on Instagram - we can't wait to hear from you! Please also consider rating the show and leaving a review on your favorite podcast platform, as that helps us tremendously as we move forward in this Marketing Happy Hour journey and create more content for all of you.

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Connect with Co-Host Erica: LinkedIn | Instagram

Connect with Co-Host Cassie: LinkedIn | Instagram |

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