Improve Your Career and Brand Strategies with your Peers in Marketing.

career-building insights

effective marketing strategies

easy-to-implement social media tips

Keeping up with marketing trends and elevating your career is overwhelming.

Don’t do it alone. We created Marketing Happy Hour for you - our Millennial or Gen Z peer so you don’t have to face navigating your corporate career or entrepreneurship alone. Each week, connect with like-minded professionals and elevate your career through our weekly podcast episodes and online community.

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marketing happy hour dream career game plan

dream career game plan

Achieving your goals doesn’t have to be difficult. This 5-step guide was created with you in mind - to discover, build, and achieve your dream career.

We’re proud to be featured in…

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Meet the Founders

Get to know Cassie and Erica, your BFFs in marketing, and the founders of this podcast and community.

cassie and erica marketing happy hour

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